Alan Ayckbourn: Plays Directed

Two For The Seesaw (1961)

Production Details

New Play:


First performance:
Opening night:
Final performance:
William Gibson

Theatre in the Round at the Library Theatre
Concert Room, Scarborough Library

10 August 1961
10 August 1961
6 September 1961

Company Details

Alan Ayckbourn
Jerry Ryan
Gittel Mosca
David Jarrett
Rosamund Dickson


Two For The Seesaw marked Alan Ayckbourn's second production as a director following his debut with Gaslight earlier in the season at the Library Theatre. The Stage newspaper reviewed the play and made mention of the young director's talents.
Two For The Seesaw was originally advertised to close on 9 September 1961. However the final three performances were replaced late in the summer with a two extra performances of Standing Room Only and, for the final night of the season, double bill of The Bed-Life Of A Mad Boy and We’ve Minds Of Our Own.

Review extract from The Stage (17 August 1961)
"This absorbing and memorable play owed much to the playing of Rosamund Dickson and David Jarrett. Miss Dickson gave an appealing cock-eyed gaiety, a vivid life and a truth of tenderness to Gittel. Mr Jarrett had a part to which he belonged, closely and with an absolute knowledge. That these two played so brilliantly together was largely due to the sensitivity of Alan Ayckbourn's production."
All research for this page by Simon Murgatroyd. Image copyright: Scarborough Theatre Trust.